A Visit to Mother's Home

Lynette arrived in Mesquite after dropping Josh off at his cousin reunion.  Renee joined her on Sunday.  We helped Mother chose a new door and can't wait to see it after it has been installed.  Thursday is coming too soon when we both need to leave.  This is also a test to see if Renee can post a picture.(I can hear the applause already!)

Newmans at Green Canyon swim camp 2012

Just got back from a week at Green Canyon swim camp.  Jessica arrived home from Switzerland during that time and joined us for a day.  All the kids but Amanda and Madeline are at the cousins reunion in Salt Lake City.  It sure is quiet here at home.

Boys help win meet against Castlewood!

The Boys had a great time swimming against Castlewood yesterday. They helped their Sunset team win! And Yes, I’m actually in one of the photos. Look real closely at the one titled Simon Medley 0. I’m the good looking blonde with the green coat, dark glasses standing on the other side of the diving board with a blue timer around my neck. I was helping with the timing in lane #3 for the meet. Simon is standing on the diving block for lane #4 (no number) but look above the 8ft. mark. Simon and Calvin look similar when they both wear their swim caps and goggles! Can you tell them apart?

Happy Swimming everyone!


Celeste Jet skiing

With Melanie's encouragement for another post, here it is!  I went jet skiing!  It has been many years since the last trip.  The aches, sores and bruises still appear, but it was a great day on the lake!

Thank You!

Thank you for your expression of Sympathy. 
Thank you for your support during this difficult time.
Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.  The plants are beautiful.
      Rhoda Kestler (Iris' mother) and family

Visiting Mom in Mesquite July 8, 2012

Hello Family!

We were lucky enough to visit Mom the day she gave a talk in her ward’s Sacrament meeting! She gave an amazing talk on the Atonement!  We are so blessed  to have such a mother!  Mom, you look beautiful too!
