Celeste Jet skiing

With Melanie's encouragement for another post, here it is!  I went jet skiing!  It has been many years since the last trip.  The aches, sores and bruises still appear, but it was a great day on the lake!

6 responses
Celeste is having fun, and awakening fun memories of when we all used to water
ski. Dad was such a good swimmer that he was always in demand to go on
others' ski parties. But he insisted that we buy a boat so all the children could
go too. What a gem!!
Remember when Renee , Celeste,& JoLynne were the little Coral Gables-like beauties in Richland on the Columbia River. Then everyone went water skiing on Stanislaus
Reservoir, etc. in Richland days. I remember times when Nelson and Diana, as
high schoolers, went too.
Great fun on the water! Love to all, MOM.
Great picture Celeste!
And color coordinated too.
That is totally awesome! I wanna go. You look great Celeste!
It''s fun to see you doing something so energizing and yet relaxing too. Hope you can get out there more often.
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