White Pine Trail, Little Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake City Utah

This was a fun hike that took a little longer than expected.  I did encounter snow and ice at around 9500 feet.  Fortunately I remembered my YakTrax  this time, so I was able to make it to the top.  White Pine Lake elevation is ~10,000 feet.  The last mile is traversing and switchbacking a snow field (see picture). At this time of year, there are stark contrasts between the autumn colors at lower elevations, dark conifers at higher elevations and then barren, snow covered peaks.  Otherwise the 2500 foot elevation gain from the trailhead meant I got a fantastic workout.

Reunion Hike: Menan Butte Crater

In case you missed the hike, here’s a view from the top of the extinct volcano called Menan Butte (near Rexburg Idaho).  It was a quick hike up from the West side.  A couple of us hiked all the way around the rim.  The photo is a stitch of 6 different photos.  

I also included an aerial of the volcano with the hike overlaid.

Tulum Mexico

Jody and I were able to get away for a week.  Here’s one of the places we visited, Tulum Mexico.  It is the most notable coastal Mayan city, South of Cancun.