Sino-James Relations 10/10/15

Jim Bowden takes on China. He’ll be in mainland China for a month and a half doing an immersive Chinese training with other international students and then Taiwan for two months.  Sounds like quite an adventure.

He has a website, but I don’t know how often he’ll be updating it (if at all).  Since communication will be limited because of the Great Firewall of China, I’ll be posting what pictures and messages I can. I may just quote him.

Here’s some preliminary trip information.

Jim’s website:

This website has a bunch of information about his trip including itinerary and Omeida Academy ( ) , the place where he is learning Mandarin.





Family Reunion and Wedding!

Hello Family!

Yes, the Thanksgiving/Grandmother’s Birthday Celebration in St. George is still on! Hooray!

We also have Melissa and Chad’s wedding coming up and hope that any of you who can would come and celebrate with us here in Idaho. Our house is open and we have a camper for more beds. I could also ask friends for places to sleep.

Wedding Info:
Thursday October 8th   Reception at Terreton Stake Center 
Friday October 9th Wedding in Rexburg Temple

Now, on to the Family Reunion.
It has been suggested that we move the Thanksgiving Dinner to Friday to allow for travel time on Thursday. If this would benefit you or cause you inconvenience please let me know. If we decide to go that route this is what the schedule would be:

Thursday: Gathering day, visiting, preparing Thanksgiving food, sitting by the pool, riding bikes, playing ping pong, etc.
Friday: Thanksgiving dinner at 1 p.m.
Grandma’s birthday celebration 6 p.m.
Saturday: Free day at house, more visiting, exciting ping pong tournament (or fooseball for the ping pong impaired), or seeing sights of St. George, etc.
Sunday: Return home.

The Winchester house will be available from Wednesday evening (when the Newman’s arrive, say 7 or 8 ish p.m.) until 9 a.m. Sunday morning (when Newman’s will be leaving). There is an LDS chapel in Winchester Hills. Sunday meeting times are 9 and 11 a.m. The Newmans will likely be attending the 9 a.m. mtg. and then leaving for home from there.

There is floor space downstairs for sleeping and plenty of room out back for campers.

Food: My thoughts so far:
I will have self-serve breakfasts at the house of fruit, muffins, cereal, etc Thurs - Sun.
Thursday afternoon - Hoagie sandwich fixings and salads for people as they arrive.
Thursday night - pizza or some other idea.

Friday 1 p.m. Thanksgiving dinner
Friday evening  - leftovers, Mom’s cake

Saturday 10 ish? -  perhaps a cooked breakfast brunch? - any volunteers?
Saturday afternoon/evening - need another meal idea or leftovers?

Thought re: expenses:
How would you feel if we implemented a suggested donation of $40 per couple of the original 8 siblings and $20 per couple of the cousins ($10 per individual)? This would be only a donation, it is not a requirement. If it doesn’t work for you right now, that is perfectly fine!
With that money I would buy food and supplies. If someone is in charge of a meal or contributes to a meal, we would reimburse you from the donated funds.

We’ll visit more later for ideas for Mom’s celebration and any other ideas you have. Please share them anytime with me!

Love you all!

Gloria Bowden Salisbury Graduation

Gloria graduated today from Southern Virginia University (SVU) and spoke as Valedictorian.  She did a marvelous job speaking and showed her natural aplomb. She majored in theater with a minor in philosophy. Here's a link to her speech (Gloria's Valedictorian speech).

 The forecast had thunderstorms arriving during commencement, but when the time came it couldn’t have been a more beautiful day. 

 She received a write-up on the school’s website which you can read here . And another bio here .

Jacob's mission!

Hello Family!
Jacob received his mission call to Rapid City, South Dakota!  He will enter the MTC on July 9th.  We are all excited and happy and are busy with his upcoming High School graduation, trip to Indiana for National BPA competition and now his mission!  Life is busy but very good!
Hope you are all doing well!