Salsa Fiesta - Lathrop CA, January 21, 2013

Thanks to the Ranney family for providing the CA Bowdens a

delicious reason to get together and eat! Celeste came back from the holidays in Arizona with some of Joe and Beth's homemade green salsa,  orange & lemon marmalade, and grape jelly from the grapes off their vines.  Lee sent some Mohave Mango, Paradise Pineapple, and Ruby Raspberry salsas with her also. We met to taste test, eat homemade burritos and play "The Lord of the Rings" board game. Alas, the hobbit fellowship fell due to Sauron's cunning. But they made a valiant attempt! Penelope painted a canvas that Lynette will be teaching to her YW. Her painting turned out beautiful. What an enjoyable afternoon.