tag:bowdenville.com,2013:/posts Bowdenville 2019-12-11T21:47:18Z Bowdenville Family Site tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/1326065 2018-09-26T20:28:40Z 2019-12-11T21:47:18Z Evening Ride Up the American Fork Canyon

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/959501 2015-12-29T16:28:43Z 2015-12-29T16:34:27Z Sino-James 简明 Relations (12/29/15)

So I'm speaking Chinese and having conversations with my friends. It happened almost overnight. I thought I was gonna just suck for the rest of the trip, but now I think I'll suck less. I'm saying more in 3 months of Chinese in China than I was saying in Russian in 7 months in Russia. Granted there is something to be said in being allowed to use technology to learn and having a grammar teacher.

I met with the Elders quorum president. He was down here from a city an hour a way to go rock climbing with his family. Young guy in the Air Force. Special permission to study in China. The Skype branch covers all of China. It's pretty cool.

I'll be off the grid January 1st unless I stay in a hotel or hostel. I've got a solar charger and power bank, but it can only do so much. Even if I find WiFi, I'll only want to upload pictures and backup my phone. 


Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/933754 2015-11-14T22:32:53Z 2015-11-14T22:32:53Z Sino-James 简明 Relations (11/14/15)
It was a pamper day today. Fish nibbled on my feet for an hour. I got a massage for an hour and then got a fire cupping treatment because why not?
Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/925736 2015-11-01T16:35:58Z 2015-11-01T16:35:59Z Sino-James 简明 Relations (11/1/15)

It's been insanely cold. I don't get it! I was sweating on Monday, then bam, I can't get out of bed because it's 50 degrees in my apartment and my clothes are still soaked from last night



I don't think I've experienced humidity before

I can get on American News sites and blogs. Government sites are ok. But everything loads really


I can't Gmail, or even most the time Google doesn't work. Outlook is the same. If a page does load, half the content doesn't load and almost every webpage gets a security certificate error at first

I was watching all the general conference talks that I missed today. That was nice. I taught a girl how to pray the other day


Everyone wants to be my language partner and study with me. All the ladies say I'm handsome and speak very clearly, haha. I don't have an accent like the Europeans

My Chinese teacher gave me my Chinese name. She was explaining to me a week earlier names are special and that one of her favorite teachers have her a name. In China, teachers are allowed to bestow names after thoughtful observation of the student they like. The student then feels it a privilege and honor. 简明. It's pronounced Jien Ming. My Chinese surname is Jien. My first name is Ming. People go by surnames here, so people will call me Jien. Ming 明means bright and clear. It has the sun and moon characters. 简 Jien means simple and concise. It has the characters for bamboo and midpoint.

I now introduce myself as Jien Ming. The students tell me immediately that it's a really prestigious name... so I guess it's good my name sounds cool.

She chose it because she says I "look bright and sunny" and am wise, polite, and kind.

Her words. I think it's nice I'm fitting in here.


veryone invites me to do everything. I don't have time to say yes.

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/923481 2015-10-28T17:28:29Z 2015-10-28T17:28:29Z Family Reunion
Dear Family!

Looking forward to Thanksgiving!

The Yes' are: Grandma Denny, Dennis, Diana, Richard,Sarah, Penny, Renee, Nelson, Jessica R., Celeste, E.J., Geoffrey, Melanie, Scott, Jessica, Melissa, Chad, Audrey, Amanda, Madeline

The Maybe's are: Joe, Beth and munchkins, Gerrit, June, Jon, Lee, Kelly

The No's are: Rochelle, Ed and boys, Kelly, Kevin and family, Jim, Lynette, Grant, Josh, Jared, Amanda,fam, Grant, Andrea, fam, Eric, Jody, Gloria, Robby, Jacob

More info. soon
Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/921749 2015-10-24T21:19:08Z 2015-10-24T21:34:00Z Sino-James Relations: 10/24/15

Going night hiking alone by Blue Sky Hotel and resort outside of Yangshuo.  I'll be walking south of the hotel towards the dirt paths and the village houses.

Those pictures are from earlier today

That girl is one of my bestest friends here. Astrid is the English name she goes by. She knows where I can find stuff in this town.


Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/918456 2015-10-18T09:23:45Z 2015-10-18T09:23:46Z Sino-James Relations: 10/18/15

-I went for a hike today far outside the city. I found a tomb. It was great.

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/916477 2015-10-14T02:01:13Z 2015-10-14T02:01:13Z Sino-James Relations 10/13/15

-I’m finding I’m living on less than $10 per day. I want to study Chinese longer so I’m considering doing 3 months of Chinese, one month of backpacking.  I’m making a lot of friends here.

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/915860 2015-10-12T15:01:48Z 2015-10-12T15:05:16Z Sino-James Relations 10/12/15

--But check out this view! It’s from my apartment window.

--Roommate is super cool.  He bought me a smoothie and food first day.  All the Chinese students here are great! I help him with his homework, he helps me with mine.  I’m having a blast!  I’ll be able to get down a good amount of Chinese before I go

-This city is nuts. No driving laws. Cars drive on the wrong side, pedestrians step in front of cars. Pedestrians truly have the right of way here.  All the scooters and cars will come within a few inches of you, but they all manage to swerve around. Everyone here are like Jedis. They know their surrounds really well.  Pedestrians can trust no one will hit them, cars and scooters trust the pedestrians to not make huge movements while walking in the street.  It seems chaotic, but it’s cool to see.

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/915855 2015-10-12T14:53:07Z 2015-10-12T15:05:03Z Sino-James Relations 10/11/15

Jim’s in country and getting settled in.

According to him:

--I made it to the school but only with the mercy of strangers that came to my rescue like little angels. One even kept a taxi driver from ripping me off.  Classes start tomorrow so I’ll start picking up the language.

--I haven’t slept for 48 hours because I was running to catch buses and metros. Luckily picking the correct routes, but I’m here, and all the students, including my roommate are awesome.

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/915854 2015-10-12T14:48:38Z 2015-10-12T15:04:45Z Sino-James Relations 10/10/15

Jim Bowden takes on China. He’ll be in mainland China for a month and a half doing an immersive Chinese training with other international students and then Taiwan for two months.  Sounds like quite an adventure.

He has a website, but I don’t know how often he’ll be updating it (if at all).  Since communication will be limited because of the Great Firewall of China, I’ll be posting what pictures and messages I can. I may just quote him.

Here’s some preliminary trip information.

Jim’s website:   http://howtowasteapassport.weebly.com/

This website has a bunch of information about his trip including itinerary and Omeida Academy ( http://www.omeida.com.cn/ ) , the place where he is learning Mandarin.





Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/894214 2015-08-16T14:30:44Z 2015-08-16T14:57:31Z Jim's Graduation August 15, 2015

Jim graduated from WGU in Information Technology. The convocation was held at the University of Utah Huntsman Center.

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/886334 2015-07-25T16:30:36Z 2015-07-25T16:30:36Z Family Reunion and Wedding!
Hello Family!

Yes, the Thanksgiving/Grandmother’s Birthday Celebration in St. George is still on! Hooray!

We also have Melissa and Chad’s wedding coming up and hope that any of you who can would come and celebrate with us here in Idaho. Our house is open and we have a camper for more beds. I could also ask friends for places to sleep.

Wedding Info:
Thursday October 8th   Reception at Terreton Stake Center 
Friday October 9th Wedding in Rexburg Temple

Now, on to the Family Reunion.
It has been suggested that we move the Thanksgiving Dinner to Friday to allow for travel time on Thursday. If this would benefit you or cause you inconvenience please let me know. If we decide to go that route this is what the schedule would be:

Thursday: Gathering day, visiting, preparing Thanksgiving food, sitting by the pool, riding bikes, playing ping pong, etc.
Friday: Thanksgiving dinner at 1 p.m.
Grandma’s birthday celebration 6 p.m.
Saturday: Free day at house, more visiting, exciting ping pong tournament (or fooseball for the ping pong impaired), or seeing sights of St. George, etc.
Sunday: Return home.

The Winchester house will be available from Wednesday evening (when the Newman’s arrive, say 7 or 8 ish p.m.) until 9 a.m. Sunday morning (when Newman’s will be leaving). There is an LDS chapel in Winchester Hills. Sunday meeting times are 9 and 11 a.m. The Newmans will likely be attending the 9 a.m. mtg. and then leaving for home from there.

There is floor space downstairs for sleeping and plenty of room out back for campers.

Food: My thoughts so far:
I will have self-serve breakfasts at the house of fruit, muffins, cereal, etc Thurs - Sun.
Thursday afternoon - Hoagie sandwich fixings and salads for people as they arrive.
Thursday night - pizza or some other idea.

Friday 1 p.m. Thanksgiving dinner
Friday evening  - leftovers, Mom’s cake

Saturday 10 ish? -  perhaps a cooked breakfast brunch? - any volunteers?
Saturday afternoon/evening - need another meal idea or leftovers?

Thought re: expenses:
How would you feel if we implemented a suggested donation of $40 per couple of the original 8 siblings and $20 per couple of the cousins ($10 per individual)? This would be only a donation, it is not a requirement. If it doesn’t work for you right now, that is perfectly fine!
With that money I would buy food and supplies. If someone is in charge of a meal or contributes to a meal, we would reimburse you from the donated funds.

We’ll visit more later for ideas for Mom’s celebration and any other ideas you have. Please share them anytime with me!

Love you all!
Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/853000 2015-05-07T22:17:23Z 2015-05-09T01:31:07Z Gloria Bowden Salisbury Graduation

Gloria graduated today from Southern Virginia University (SVU) and spoke as Valedictorian.  She did a marvelous job speaking and showed her natural aplomb. She majored in theater with a minor in philosophy. Here's a link to her speech (Gloria's Valedictorian speech).

 The forecast had thunderstorms arriving during commencement, but when the time came it couldn’t have been a more beautiful day. 

 She received a write-up on the school’s website which you can read here . And another bio here .

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/853067 2015-05-07T15:45:00Z 2015-05-08T01:46:34Z Gloria with some of her professors

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/731780 2014-08-25T00:50:57Z 2014-08-25T16:34:16Z Dinner with the boys after the wedding (8/11/14)

A day after Gloria and Robby were off, rest of us were able hit one of our favorite restaurants, Braza Grill, in Salt Lake City.

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/726132 2014-08-11T23:47:36Z 2014-08-12T04:21:14Z More Gloria and Robby (thank you Jared) ]]> Bowdenville Family Site tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/725467 2014-08-10T11:23:45Z 2014-08-11T23:48:52Z Introducing Gloria & Robby Salisbury!

Gloria and Robbie were married on August 10, 2014 in the Logan Temple. They had a ring ceremony that evening at the This is the Place monument in Salt Lake City. 

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/687218 2014-05-06T14:25:04Z 2014-05-07T01:15:16Z Simon Black Belt Testing

Simon is in the front right of the video.


Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/674821 2014-04-08T19:07:58Z 2014-04-08T19:07:58Z Jacob's mission!
Hello Family!
Jacob received his mission call to Rapid City, South Dakota!  He will enter the MTC on July 9th.  We are all excited and happy and are busy with his upcoming High School graduation, trip to Indiana for National BPA competition and now his mission!  Life is busy but very good!
Hope you are all doing well!
Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/650717 2014-02-05T18:17:19Z 2014-02-05T18:17:21Z Freezing Rain in Maryland. 2/5/14
This is what we woke up to this morning. 
Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/628205 2013-12-09T03:06:06Z 2013-12-09T03:16:27Z Thanksgiving 2013 In St. George Utah

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/607039 2013-10-08T03:13:53Z 2013-10-08T17:31:09Z Eric Arranging and Performing Radical Dreamer

M'well, I've finally done it. This is the song for which I originally started learning the classical guitar. Actually, I wanted to learn kabukibear's solo guitar version [it's incorporated into the middle of this arrangement]. He's written some amazing arrangements for guitar, go check 'im out: http://www.youtube.com/user/kabukibear  One milestone down, two left.

P.S. I loooove the "choral" part at the end. 

P.P.S. I made a big mistake clipping my nails during the making of this recording. (I was frustrated at the nail clicks I was hearing in the audio.) After clipping t'felt like I had to relearn the piece since I was missing the strings, trying to pluck them with my phantom nails!

MP3 Audio File:

Cover Sheet Music:
The primary music is an adaptation from the official Chrono Cross classical guitar book (and so, I don't have sheets for it). The classical guitar solo is an excerpt from Justin Lincoln's (kabukibear) excellent solo arrangement (http://www.gametabs.net/playstation/c...)

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/606784 2013-10-07T03:50:12Z 2016-07-08T05:17:16Z Frederick News-Post Article:

Local paper article covering the Day to Serve multi-congregational service project. I just happened to be at the site where the photographer showed.

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/605269 2013-09-30T03:19:10Z 2013-10-08T17:30:47Z Gloria In SVU's production of Servant of Two Masters

Gloria had the lead role in Servant of Two Masters.  Jody and I were able to drive down and spend some time (not enough) with her before the production. We also attending Sacrament Meeting with her on Sunday.   It was a rousing performance with many a slapsticks. . .literally (I guess this type of theater is where the term comes from).


Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/599553 2013-09-06T17:07:51Z 2013-10-08T17:29:30Z Naselle Farm Progress

Naselle Farm Progress Photos Packet #5

Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/599366 2013-09-05T20:47:16Z 2013-10-08T17:29:28Z Naselle farm progress photos Naselle Farm Progress Photos.  Photo Packet #4
Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/599360 2013-09-05T20:13:54Z 2013-10-08T17:29:28Z Naselle WA Farm house progress photos Before photos of Naselle Farm. Packet #2



Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/599359 2013-09-05T20:13:20Z 2013-10-08T17:29:28Z Naselle Farm and House Photos: Before & During Photos, not yet to "After photos" Naselle Farm progress photos Packet #3
Bowdenville Family Site
tag:bowdenville.com,2013:Post/599303 2013-09-05T18:31:14Z 2013-10-08T17:29:27Z Part of the "Before, During and almost After" photos of the Naselle Bowden FirEver Farm in Naselle WA (no that is not a typo) Here are some “Before” shots of the Naselle Farm.
Bowdenville Family Site